Filing for bankruptcy in South Carolina can be a complicated, confusing process. This is especially true if you need to appear in bankruptcy court. The amount of information you will need to prepare and present in court can be overwhelming. And if you make the slightest mistake, your bankruptcy application could be delayed or denied....
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What You Should Know Before Filing Bankruptcy in South Carolina: Our Attorneys Discuss
There are a number of details about bankruptcy that many Americans often do not know or think about. That’s why it’s critical that you know about what bankruptcy is and what kinds are available before making this very serious, life-changing decision. Bankruptcy overview One of the main things to know about bankruptcy is that it is a process designed to...
Read MoreFiling For Medical Bankruptcy In South Carolina
When reality bites, it can really chomp. Especially if you get sick, and medical bills start piling higher than a small mountain range. Experts disagree on how often medical bills are the direct cause of bankruptcies. But medical bills indeed can cause such a crisis. When it happens to you, it doesn’t matter if you...
Read MoreUpsurge of Senior Citizens Filing for Bankruptcy in South Carolina
Retirement is often described as "the golden years," the time when our many years of hard work and dedication will allow us to enjoy the rest of our days in relative comfort. However, for a growing number of senior citizens, this is not the case. Financial hardship has forced many to consider whether or not...
Read MoreWhy Waiting to File Bankruptcy Can Hurt Your Finances
Waiting until the last possible moment to file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in South Carolina can have consequences. Although it's true bankruptcy is generally considered a last resort, that doesn't mean you need to put off consulting a Columbia bankruptcy attorney until you're 100 percent sure you have no other option. USA Today reports...
Read MoreImpact of Filing Bankruptcy in S.C. on Your Credit Score
What if we were to tell you filing bankruptcy could be the best thing you can do for your credit score? The Motley Fool recently reported the consequences of filing bankruptcy, including the fact that a discharged bankruptcy can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years. During that period, the article notes,...
Read MoreSouth Carolina Bankruptcy Filings Offer Consumer Protection
There are many common misconceptions about filing for bankruptcy. These misconceptions and attempts to attach negative stigma to the process are by design. The truth of the matter is that creditors don't want you to know about many of the benefits afforded to consumers by bankruptcy protection laws. Filing for bankruptcy in Rock Hill, South...
Read MoreHow To Manage Tax Debt That Cannot Be Discharged
Bankruptcy is an important tool that can give South Carolinians a fresh financial start. There are many different types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy and some that cannot. Some debtors may erroneously assume that tax debts cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. This is not always the case. If certain legal requirements are...
Read MoreHow Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Help South Carolina Debtors
Federal law provides mechanisms to discharge debt, leaving no further legal obligations toward the creditor. This process is called bankruptcy. There are different types of bankruptcy that apply to different situations. Both a debtor and the debt in question must be eligible for discharge. This is why it is important to select the appropriate type of...
Read MoreThe Legality of E-Wills In Estate Planning
Modern technology has revolutionized many of our daily activities. However, in some cases, it has also caused more confusion. In the case of a last will and testament, the federal government has had to update its regulations to reflect the progress of technology. In order for a will to be considered legal and binding, the...
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