When you are in financial trouble, understanding the benefits of bankruptcy can make it possible for you to make a smart financial choice about whether bankruptcy is right for you. For most people, there is no greater financial trouble to be in than the threat of losing a house. Unfortunately, if you are not able...
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Benefits of Bankruptcy: Not Getting Trapped due to Creditor Tricks
Creditors want people to be in debt. In fact, Washington Post reported recently on how creditors use psychological tricks designed to encourage consumers to stay in debt for longer. Creditors also structure credit card offers, and rules for particular cards, differently based on whether the cards are targeted to poor consumers or wealthy ones. The news...
Read MoreHow to Handle Pushy Debt Collectors: Know Credit Protection & Bankruptcy Law
If you are in debt, pushy debt collectors are likely a fact of life. When you cannot pay your bills or are late with a payment, you can expect to start getting calls almost immediately. As more time passes with nonpayment, often the collection efforts get worse- especially if your lender ends up selling off...
Read MoreBankruptcy Benefits: Relieving Financial Anxiety
There are many bankruptcy benefits that people who are in debt experience when they declare bankruptcy. One of the biggest and most important benefits is relief from financial anxiety. Far too many people experience ongoing money worries that affect their lives. Being worried all the time about money and debt can have an adverse impact...
Read MoreBenefits of Bankruptcy When Struggling With Medical Debt
For those coping with medical debt, bankruptcy can provide a lifeline. The benefits of bankruptcy cannot be understated when it comes to being able to climb out of a debt trap that affects your financial priorities and causes continuous money stress. Medical debt can pile up quickly for people, even those with insurance, when a...
Read MoreColumbia, SC Bankruptcy Benefits: Rebuilding Credit
When people think of bankruptcy benefits, they usually think of getting rid of debts and getting out of financial trouble. What many people are not aware of is that there is actually another benefit associated with filing for bankruptcy protection: you can start rebuilding your credit score. It is a common misconception that bankruptcy will...
Read MoreBankruptcy Benefits for Columbia Residents
Bankruptcy is often viewed as a last resort and as something negative. While it is true that going bankrupt isn't ideal, the reality is that it is much better than a lot of alternatives. There are significant benefits to bankruptcy which cannot be understated for people who are in debt. If you are concerned about...
Read MoreJudge’s Ruling on Loan Could Affect Bankruptcies for Grads
A recent court decision on a law school student's debt could have a significant effect on others who are saddled with educational loans and are weighing bankruptcy options. In a March ruling, Judge Carla Craig of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Brooklyn, N.Y., sided with a law school graduate who wanted to discharge (or cancel)...
Read MoreWatch Out for Bankruptcy & Debt Relief Scams
When you are in debt and are concerned about your bills, you may be eager to find help solving your financial problems. There are legitimate solutions to debt troubles, including filing for bankruptcy as well as exploring ways to refinance your debts or negotiate a payment plan. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of debt...
Read MoreHow Creditors Trick Consumers into Taking On More Debt
Consumers often find themselves faced with tremendous amounts of credit card debt which they are not able to pay. In fact, Time reports that the average American is in credit card debt regardless of how good the economy is doing. Americans owed $935.6 billion in 2015, and the average American between the ages of 18...
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