Bankruptcy Lawyers
South Carolina



Columbia Cancer Survivors Face Debts & Often Bankruptcy

Medical care is expensive, even after the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Insurance deductibles may be very high, out-of-network care may not be covered but may be necessary, and essential prescription medications are not always paid for. These problems can be issues for everyone, but for people who develop a...

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Ending Abusive Debt Collection Practices a Reason to file Bankruptcy

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act aims to protect consumers from abusive practices on the part of debt collectors. Unfortunately, despite an array of laws aimed at protecting debtors and despite government agencies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau trying to stop dishonest debt collection tactics, debt collectors still continue to be unethical. Those who...

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Can Columbia Debtors Keep a College Fund Through Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is often the best choice for debtors in Columbia and surrounding areas who cannot make payments on their debts. When you miss payments or you are covering only the interest on your debts, continuing to send money to creditors is simply a waste. Filing bankruptcy can provide relief, but you may be concerned about...

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Columbia Debtors Should Consider Bankruptcy

Debtors who file for bankruptcy in South Carolina experience significant financial benefits and are likely to do better financially and achieve greater financial stability than debtors who do not file. A study published by Federal Reserve Bank of New York demonstrated that debtors post-bankruptcy were in a much better financial situation than people who had...

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S.C. Consumer Debtors Should Treat Bankruptcy Like Businesses Do

Most consumers who file for bankruptcy protection do so because of cataclysmic personal events like a major illness, accident, job loss, or divorce. Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has been a strong advocate for making bankruptcy laws more favorable to consumers, told "The problem is not that people won't pay. It's that they can't pay." Warren, and...

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Americans May Have Worse Debt Troubles Than Greece

Anyone with passing interest in financial news has likely been watching the Greek financial crisis unfold in recent years. Recent disputes with Germany and other EU countries over Greece's debt obligations have drawn further attention to the country's troubled financial state. While Greece may be in serious debt trouble, Fortune Magazine recently published an article suggesting the average...

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Why You Might Want to Consider Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

South Carolinians and people throughout the country file for bankruptcy every day, but it's typically not a hot news topic until someone famous such as the rap star 50 Cent files (which he did in mid-July 2015). When a famous person does declare bankruptcy, it tends to pique interest and lead to questions: What type...

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Columbia T-Bone Crashes Could Decline with Roundabouts

Intersection accidents can occur when a motorist fails to yield the right of way or disobeys a stop sign or traffic signal. A right angle crash is a common accident at intersections. One car hits the side of another vehicle, with the two forming a T. These are some of the most dangerous car accidents...

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Columbia Drivers Can Reduce Rear-End Crash Risks

One of the most important lessons that a new driver learns is to leave enough space between his car and the lead vehicle. The driver in the front vehicle could be forced to slow down or even come to a complete stop at a time when the rear-driver may not be expecting such actions. If...

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7909 Parklane Rd #305
Columbia, SC 29223

Phone (803) 799-1700
Fax (803) 728-6718

331 E. Main St, Suite 257
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Phone (803) 909-9377
Fax (803) 728-6718