Bankruptcy Lawyers
South Carolina



Preparing for When You and Your Loved One Need Caregiving

Family systems have a natural habit of stepping in to provide health care to their aging relatives. The love and care many adult children receive growing up become reciprocal, particularly in the case of their aging parents. But with the advent of longer lives, it is not atypical that a senior parent may still be...

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Understanding When Medicaid Crisis Planning is Appropriate?

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program available to individuals who meet certain asset requirements that help them pay for long-term care (LTC) costs. Long-term care often creates devastating financial impacts on Americans, particularly the elderly, and for those family members who lose hours of income (and more) while providing care for their loved...

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The Importance of Planning Ahead for Inheritances and Medicaid in South Carolina

Mistakes can be made when it comes to inheritances and Medicaid. Those mistakes can be costly. When a person is drawing Medicaid benefits and inherits money or property, that inheritance jeopardizes the benefits. The inheritance must be handled carefully to minimize expensive penalties. What “careful” means, though, can be misunderstood without the necessary expertise. The...

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If You Become Incapacitated, Who Will Make Your Medical Decisions?

When a medical crisis arises, there are many questions asked about the potentially serious decision-making needs that arise. Is there a: Health care directive? Health care proxy? Medical power of attorney? Do not resuscitate? What about HIPAA? What do all of these terms mean? And what are the differences? Some have heard of these types...

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What 5 Documents Do You Include in an Estate Plan?

Estate planning is important for people of all ages, but as we age, the need for planning becomes even more critical. Many people avoid estate planning because they do not want to think about the end of life, failing health, or disability. Others believe that an estate plan is only for rich people. However, an...

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What Can a South Carolina Elder Law Attorney Do For You?

The senior citizen population of the United States is increasing rapidly as the baby boomer generation ages, and the influx of international migration continues. Although the US average life expectancy has seen a slight three-year decline, many Americans, men and women, live well into their 80s, 90s, and beyond. An elder law attorney works with...

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Will Long-Term Care Cost Me My Home?

Homeownership is the American Dream. People work hard all their lives to own a home, and it is often their most valuable and significant possession. So, when health begins to fail and the need for long-term care arises, we often get this fear-filled question from our clients: will they take away my home? The enormous...

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How Can an Elder Law Attorney Benefit You and Your Family?

An elder law attorney or certified elder law attorney (CELA) specializes as a legal advocate for aging adults and their loved ones. Elder law encompasses a wide range of legal matters affecting an older or disabled person. Issues related to guardianship, retirement, health care including advance directives, long term care planning, Social Security, Medicare and...

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What To Do If You're Struggling With Medical Debt

The rise of healthcare costs and medical debt is causing a substantial amount of stress among Americans. Roughly 158 million Americans have employer-sponsored health insurance (more than two million in South Carolina). That means there are millions more Americans who pay for health insurance out-of-pocket. Within the last decade, the average family insurance premium went...

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7909 Parklane Rd #305
Columbia, SC 29223

Phone (803) 799-1700
Fax (803) 728-6718

331 E. Main St, Suite 257
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Phone (803) 909-9377
Fax (803) 728-6718